What Foods Contribute to Insomnia?

What Foods Contribute to Insomnia?

What Foods Contribute to Insomnia? If you have insomnia, you have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night. 

This lack of sleep causes fatigue during the day and makes it harder to concentrate. This impacts your life by influencing your mood, resilience, and immunity. 

All of this can lead to other health issues and diseases. While there are numerous potential causes of insomnia, one of them is food. 

Certain foods might interrupt your sleep habits and make it difficult to get enough rest. 

what foods contribute to insomnia

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Caffeine-containing beverages: 

Caffeine is a natural stimulant chemical in coffee, tea, and energy drinks. Because it is a stimulant, it can make falling asleep difficult and, more significantly, cause you to wake up at night.

It also has a diuretic impact, meaning you must use the restroom. 

Another critical consideration is the relationship between caffeine and anxiety. Caffeine affects the central nervous system, and while many people experience a momentary surge of energy after consuming coffee or other caffeinated beverages, others experience nervousness and anxiety. Excessive coffee consumption can increase anxiety, leading to insomnia. 

According to research, many people who suffer from chronic anxiety also experience insomnia.

These issues can exacerbate one another, resulting in a cycle of caffeine-induced anxiety and prolonged sleep deprivation. Finally, people suffering from anxiety should limit their caffeine intake to reduce the chance of additional sleep issues. 

It should be noted that women drink slightly less coffee than males. This, however, raises their blood pressure more than their male counterparts. Another reason to avoid caffeine is high blood pressure and sleeplessness.

Caffeine-containing foods: foods containing cocoa or chocolate (particularly dark chocolate) contain caffeine. This is owing to the existence of theobromine, a similar molecule.

 Furthermore, caffeine is an active element in several over-the-counter pain medications. If you have insomnia, it may be best to take this prescription before noon and switch to caffeine-free treatments. 

Although modest levels of caffeine have been linked to various health advantages, monitoring your total daily intake is still crucial to avoid unwanted side effects such as anxiety or sleep disruptions. 

So it might be worth preceding that cup of cocoa in the evening in favour of a malted milk drink.

Most people are unaware that our genes influence how we respond to caffeine. Biological variations in specific genes affect how even a tiny quantity of coffee can alter sleep.

The impact of your genes on your caffeine reaction is considerable and should not be overlooked. Suppose you have difficulties sleeping after even a tiny amount of caffeine.

In that case, you might want to determine if your genes influence your reaction to this common stimulant.

If you have difficulties sleeping, you may be tempted to drink coffee or so-called energy drinks during the day to keep you up and focused. Unfortunately, this has the opposite effect and interferes with your sleep.

Spicy meals: 

While there is no direct link between spicy foods and insomnia, they can cause sleep issues indirectly. They can, for example, create heartburn and indigestion, both of which have been associated with difficulty sleeping.

If you already have heartburn or indigestion, lying down will aggravate it. This is because stomach acid can ascend into the throat and burn the delicate lining of the tube that connects the stomach to the throat (oesophagus). 

Surprisingly, consuming spicy foods like ginger, chile, or pepper raises body temperature. According to good sleep hygiene standards, a lower temperature increases excellent sleep. 

So, avoid anything that elevates your temperature if you suffer from sleeplessness!

lady sleeping on couch

There is some evidence that spicy foods might cause nightmares and strange dreams. While no scientific proof exists to back this up, there is evidence that high temperatures, such as fever, might create these distressing pictures during sleep. 

Although this connection is faint, it may be true. If you enjoy spicy foods and experience nightmares that keep you awake at night, you should take the hint!

If you have insomnia, avoid eating hot meals three hours before night.

Consider the following scenario:

  • You’ve had a fantastic night out.
  • The bars are closing.
  • You decide to go to the chip store.

The fries and greasy kebab may seem appealing, especially if your senses are clouded by booze, but is it a good idea to consume such a high-fat meal so close to bedtime? 

Meals heavy in fat, and incredibly saturated fat, might make it challenging to go asleep, just like spicy foods.

Your digestive system slows down when you go to bed. Food is digested by the body during the day, not at night. As a result, a lack of enzymes and delayed digestion in the evening and at night can result in digestive issues. 

Lying down exacerbates this since gravity does not move food through the intestines as efficiently as during the day. 

Thus, eating high-fat foods right before night disrupts sleep by keeping you awake or waking you up owing to stomach and intestine pain and discomfort.

This complex biological process occurs inside cells and involves the enzyme P-elF2.

So, if you have insomnia, it is better to avoid fatty foods shortly before bedtime, if possible.


We don’t usually eat at night. This allows our digestive system to rest, digest enzymes and hormones used during the day, and reactivate the gut for a fresh start the next day. 

The body has adequate energy to spend a few hours without eating if we consume balanced meals and have a fat supply. However, eating a high-sugar or high-blood-sugar dinner in the evening can provide a momentary energy boost and make us feel jittery.

This is because of the quick release of sugar into the bloodstream, followed by a sugar crash. This can make us hungry, making it difficult to sleep. When trying to combat insomnia, it’s not a good idea to go to bed hungry.

And, as stated in the section on fatty meals, the desire to eat anything else would compound the problem of undigested food in the bowels before bedtime, leading to indigestion and heartburn.

Many individuals sip hot milk before going to bed. If you do, avoid adding sugar, which has been associated with sleep duration.

Furthermore, eating sugary meals before bedtime might create sleep disruptions owing to terrible dreams or nightmares. If you want to enjoy lovely dreams, avoid sugar before bed.

You may not have realised that what you eat can affect your sleep if you have difficulty falling asleep. While other foods can promote insomnia, the primary culprits are coffee, fat, sugar, and spices. Fighting insomnia should be easier now that you have this information.


The post What Foods Contribute to Insomnia? appeared first on https://gqcentral.co.uk



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