On This Page
- Tokay Gecko: Species Profile
- Tokay Gecko Behavior and Temperament
- Housing the Tokay Gecko
- Choosing Your Tokay Gecko
- Tokay Gecko Humidity Requirements
- Tokay Gecko Care Guide – The Critter Depot
- Can I get an intro on Tokay Geckos?
- How to Design a Tokay Gecko Habitat
- Tokay Gecko Diet and Feeding Schedule
- Common Tokay Gecko Diseases
- How long can Tokay Geckos live?
- Are Tokay Geckos great for beginner reptile owners?
- Tokay Geckos will Bite!
- How do I handle my Tokay Gecko?
Tokay Gecko: Species Profile
Tokay Gecko Care Are They Easy To Keep UV-emitting bulbs generally are not necessary because tokay geckos are a nocturnal species, though some experts believe a low level of UV light can benefit their overall health. A red nighttime bulb will allow you to see your gecko at night when it’s most active without interrupting the animal’s natural day-night cycle.
This species occurs in northeast India, Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh, throughout southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia, and to western new guinea in Melanesia. Its native habitat is rainforest, where it lives on trees and cliffs, and it also frequently adapts to rural human habitations, roaming walls and ceilings at night in search of insect prey. It is an invasive species in the Florida keys. Increasing urbanization is reducing its range.
Opportunistic feeders, tokay geckos consume just about anything they can overpower. In the wild much of their diet consists of insects and other lizards. In captivity, they do well on a mix of crickets, mealworms, roaches, waxworms, hornworms, silkworms and small mice. Some captives can be trained to eat defrosted fuzzies from tongs. This is a great way to bulk up your pet. Gut load all feeder insects to ensure the most complete nutrition because the gecko benefits from the insect’s last meal. Use a mix of leafy greens, vegetables, fruit and commercial gut-loading products for your feeder insects.
A male leucistic tokay gecko protects these eggs. Both sexes protect eggs in captivity. The golden rule of tokay handling is to build trust with the lizard. If you are trying to tame this beast, you cannot grab it behind the head and manhandle it. I generally try to coax the animal out of its hide and onto my hand. Always keep your hand flat, and keep it under the lizard so you don’t get bitten. Generally, tokays explode from their hides and run in all directions. At this point, the trick is to get the lizard back onto your hand and hold it over your head.
Tokay Gecko Behavior and Temperament
If you feel you can handle the feisty temperament of a tokay gecko, choose a captive-bred animal from a reputable breeder or animal rescue that can tell you about its origin and health. Expect to pay around $20 to $50. Choose a gecko whose ribs and pelvic bones aren’t visible. You also shouldn’t see any bumps on its skin, which can indicate an infection or a broken bone.
Tokay geckos are popular pets in the exotic pet trade, despite their feisty behaviour. Below is a photo of what a “normal” average tokay gecko looks like, with their iconic blue skin and bright orange spots. After that, keep scrolling to see what awesome morphs we picked to showcase today!.
There are many different species of geckos for sale online. Choose a gecko whose ribs and pelvic bones aren’t visible. If you are the type of person that appreciates tenacity and attitude in your pet reptiles, you will find no better personification than the underrated tokay.
Tokay geckos are not the simple lizards some herp keepers may think they are. Seemingly aware of their surroundings and circumstances, they have proven to be high-strung due to above-average intelligence. To me, tokay geckos are similar to reticulated pythons: known to be aggressive, they are alert, high-strung and challenging to keep. Tokay geckos are infamous for biting. Generally, there are two types of bites. One is a warning bite where the lizard stands its ground while your hand invades its territory, the enclosure. Although generally ferocious in appearance, this bite causes only superficial damage.
Housing the Tokay Gecko
Never house male tokay geckos together. It’s also best not to house your gecko in your bedroom because its vocalizations might wake you up. Because these are large geckos, a 20-gallon tank is a minimum size suitable for their housing. Provide sturdy branches, as your gecko will spend much of its time climbing. And add reptile-safe potted plants if you wish. (artificial plants can also be used. ) plus, provide some hiding spots using cork bark, half logs, or caves.
Opportunistic feeders, tokay geckos consume just about anything they can overpower. Hugh red tokay gecko source. In the red-spotted tokay gecko, these spots range from light yellow to red and overlay a bluish or greyish body. It is a strong climber with foot pads that can support the entire weight of the body on a vertical surface for a long period of time.
Although some keepers prefer a newspaper, I don’t personally recommend it. Given the behavioural traits mentioned above, the less fussing with their habitat, the better. Also, they prefer a very rich environment, full of items to climb on and explore. Therefore, a bioactive set-up is ideal for this species. Be sure to include all of the usual microfauna needed in order for a bioactive set-up to work. There are detailed instructions on setup elsewhere on this site. Tokay geckos should be kept on a slightly moist substrate to increase the humidity inside the vivarium.
Choosing Your Tokay Gecko
The tokay gecko is one of the largest and most impressive species of gecko available, often growing in excess of 14 inches total length with rare individuals exceeding that by an inch or two. They are the proud owner of one of the most easily identifiable scientific names; Gekko gecko. Endemic to parts of India, the Philippines, Southeast Asia,
Indonesia, and new guinea, this species exhibits a multitude of colourful patterns. They display colours ranging from vibrant to dark blue or green with spotted patterns of red to orange. However, if none of these patterns fit your choosing, there are selectively bred and genetic morphs available.
Tokay Gecko Humidity Requirements
Tokay geckos prefer a high humidity level of around 70%. Don’t let it drop under 50%. Maintain humidity through misting, a substrate that retains water, and a bowl of water. But also make sure the tank has good airflow because an environment that’s too damp can lead to health issues. Measure the humidity level with a hygrometer.
Inhabiting much of southeast asia, including areas populated by people, tokay geckos can grow up to 15 inches long. They are estimated to live about 10 years in captivity. They do best in enclosures mimicking their natural environment and providing them with adequate space and hiding spots. Tokays can be kept in planted vivaria, but they may unleash their destructive fury in smaller-sized enclosures with delicate decorations. A simple setup works well. Tokays are arboreal and appreciate space. A 10-gallon aquarium is sufficient for a single animal, and a 20-gallon long tank or larger is ok for a pair.
Can I get an intro on Tokay Geckos?
The huge range extends from Nepal through northeastern India, Bangladesh, southern China and Southeast Asia to Indonesia. Introduced populations are established in Hawaii, Florida (of course!), Martinique and, possibly, Guam and Taiwan. Uploaded to Wikipedia Commons by vberger
tokay geckos adapt to a wide array of habitats, including homes and other buildings within such bustling cities as hong kong and Miami. Alleged medicinal properties have led to local extinctions in parts of Thailand, Vietnam and China.
Life expectancy: 15-20 years
Tokay geckos, also know as Gekko gecko, live in rainforests in the southeastern part of Asia. They are a large gecko and are sometimes known to have an aggressive temperament which makes them a questionable choice for people who have never owned a gecko before. While it is possible to tame them over time, some tokay geckos never like to be handled. They can grow between 8 to 12 inches long and can live for upwards of 15 years if cared for properly.
Tokay geckos are moderately large reptiles that are in the Gekkonidae, or gecko, family. They are originally native to Asia and the pacific islands, but also serve as pets worldwide. The pet trade has resulted in this species becoming introduced to Florida, Belize, Martinique, and potentially Hawaii. In their home range, humans use these reptiles in the making of traditional Chinese medicine. Read on to learn about the tokay gecko.
How to Design a Tokay Gecko Habitat
The tokay gecko is a medium-sized, tropical lizard inhabiting much of southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and all adjacent islands. These feisty geckos do not seem to be intimidated by human presence and are commonly found near and within human habitations. Tokay geckos prefer the hot, humid conditions of lush rainforest, but are highly adaptable, making them able to thrive in a variety of conditions, and furthermore making them an extremely hardy animal in the terrarium.
Tokays are large, arboreal and love climbing. The optimal tokay gecko habitat size measures 2 1⁄2 feet long, 2 foot wide and 2 to 2 1⁄2 feet tall.
Tokay Gecko Diet and Feeding Schedule
What do tokay geckos eat? we’re glad you asked. Tokay geckos are very enthusiastic about eating insects and even eat small lizards in the wild. Some of the best insects for tokay gecko food include premium dubia roaches, mealworms, waxworms, hornworms and silkworms. However, these insects need to be gut loaded before you give them to the gecko. Gut loading means feeding the insects a diet rich in vitamins and minerals at least 24-hours before serving them to the gecko. By doing so, you will pass along the nutritious diet to the gecko.
Common Tokay Gecko Diseases
Tokay geckos aren’t as common as pet leopard geckos, but they are just as interesting as their cousins. As the second-largest type of gecko, they’re known for their vibrant colours and spots. They’re usually a blue-grey colour with bright orange and blue spots. They do have a reputation for being somewhat aggressive and aren’t recommended for beginners. But once you have their tank set up, their care needs are fairly straightforward.
An arboreal species living in trees and on cliffs, tokay geckos are native to parts of Asia and some pacific islands. They’re vocal animals, making a unique croaking noise that sounds like “to-kay! to-kay!” this is how they received their common name. According to some myths, they’re said to bring good luck. However, they’re also unfortunately frequent targets of poachers in the wild because they are used in some medicinal remedies. People will dry their bodies to be boiled into tonics or ground into powders that claim to treat various conditions, including asthma, diabetes, cancer, and more.

How long can Tokay Geckos live?
The natural beauty of this species has played a large role in this geckos popularity in the terrarium. Many keepers see past their irritable nature as a result of the magnificent colours and patterns they possess. Typically bluish-purple with orange spots, tokays are certainly an eye-catching addition to any collection. Size and longevity tokay geckos are fairly large in the gecko family, attaining an adult size of 12 to 14 inches total length. Males are almost always larger than females, both in length and overall mass.
There is little known about the life span of tokay geckos in the wild, but in captivity, they have proven to be a long-lived species. Depending on the age of the animal when acquired, specimens in captivity can be expected to live between 15 and 20 years under optimal care. Tokay geckos can be easily housed in a variety of different types of enclosures. If you live in a tropical or temperate zone where ambient temperature and humidity levels are acceptable, these geckos may be housed in screen enclosures much like those used to maintain chameleons.
Are Tokay Geckos great for beginner reptile owners?
They live to be about 10-years-old. Heavy-bodied and nocturnal, these tropical animals have a reputation for being aggressive, hard to handle and apt to bite. Pick one that is made of glass and has a front and top ventilation. How big are they? care what does a tokay gecko set-up need? product name: tokay gecko lizard care information click here to get tokay gecko lizard care information at discounted price while it’s still available menu duk news tokay geckos are beautiful and unique reptiles. Only one tokay could be kept inside a standard 20 quarts tall/high aquarium (24″ m x 12″ watts x 16″ they would), however, a bigger container is recommended.
Tokay Geckos will Bite!
Tokay geckos are infamous for biting. Generally, there are two types of bites. One is a warning bite where the lizard stands its ground while your hand invades its territory, the enclosure. Although generally ferocious in appearance, this bite causes only superficial damage. Little or no bleeding is the result. Remember, the gecko is trying to scare you away and does so by showing you it means business. The behaviour seems more common with males than females. The second type of bite is the defensive bite, which generally occurs when you grab the gecko with your hands.
The small end of tail nip, very minor. For the live insect portion of this diet, we would recommend brown crickets. Tokay gecko: as one of the largest types of geckos in the world, they are widely known for their vibrant colours and bright orange and blue spots. some common prey includes beetles, ants, spiders, and other insects. Tokay gecko habitat and tank. Insects, such as roaches, silkworms, waxworms, and butterworms, make up the bulk of a day gecko’s diet in captivity; some will also eat various tropical fruits such as papaya, mango, or even fruit baby food.
How do I handle my Tokay Gecko?
Tokay geckos prefer to avoid interacting with people. They should only be handled when necessary, and only with extreme caution. They cannot be housed with other reptiles either. They are very territorial and prefer their own space. Because they come from tropical areas, tokays do not hibernate, however, they do have a peak breeding season around April and May.
Tokay gecko care can be a bit tricky at times. Because of this, they tend to be too much to handle for novice reptile enthusiasts. A big part of their difficulty comes from their temperament (more on that a bit later). In terms of husbandry and everyday needs, tokay geckos can be quite manageable as long as you’re prepared and have a bit of experience.
Most tokay geckos do not tolerate handling. These geckos are extremely defensive and will bite if they feel threatened. For this reason, it is best to handle these geckos only when absolutely necessary. When you do need to handle the gecko, be sure to use thick gloves as these geckos can give a very nasty bite. If gloves aren’t available, the best and safest way to handle a tokay gecko is to restrain it by gently pinning the head and wrapping your fingers around the neck and body. This is very stressful for the gecko and should only be done when absolutely necessary.
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